Why I'm Running for re-election

Board of Equalization 2022


Candidate for Re-election to the California Board of Equalization District 3

I have dedicated my professional life to serving the people of California. Now, with a newly redrawn District 3, I seek reelection to continue the hard work needed to bring fair representation to all taxpayers in California.

For the last four years I have served on the California Board of Equalization, representing the taxpayers of District 3. The last two years I served as the Chairman of the BOE, leading the Board to face major challenges, including the impact of the devastating Covid-19 pandemic.

Having devoted my professional life to helping people, improving the business environment and providing leadership and oversight for large development projects in California, I know we can do so much more if I am re-elected.

Raised in Los Angeles County, and raising my family in Santa Monica, I know the issues that confront the region. I have worked diligently to meet and overcome each and every challenge I’ve confronted. As a Santa Monica City Council member for eight years and former Mayor, I championed smart growth, and worked with constituents, developers, civic organizations and other elected officials.  

If re-elected, I will use my extensive experience, vast network of supporters and business leaders, to make sure everyone and every business pays their fair share of taxes.

Please join me, and my team, to keep California Moving Ahead.